

Getting the drawing

As I worked from this image on my iPad, a small still life I had set up and photographed awhile back, my mind wandered as always when I paint. I put down strokes, I wiped off strokes, working in my push/pull method of getting the drawing to the degree I wanted.

How easily I wiped away the strokes that didn’t work out. 

Would that it was as easy in life to wipe away the marks when I mess up. Yes, if once I realized my error, just swipe—and I could start over. How wonderful that would be.


Coming along…

I continued working on the painting and the thought stayed with me most of the morning. I was glad it did, because as I made progress on the canvas, I began to realize, I do wipe away my mistakes and poor choices. I do start over. It may not be as easy as wiping paint off of a canvas, but when I  pause, take a step backward, re-evaluate choices and decisions, I have the choice of starting  over.

And I have a great instruction book and the greatest instructor to help me when I need to backup and start again.  And He’s always at my side.fullsizerender_3

Painting is fun, but it can be a slow, tedious process—as it is for me. I can’t for the life of me figure out why I enjoy it so much.:-)  When this little canvas is finished, I hope to have a nice, balanced still life I can be happy with. img_1110


Hmm, kinda the same wish I have for my life. The painting needs more work and when it’s finished, I’ll post it and see what you think.

I’ve learned that in painting as well as living, things can get messy and off track along the way. 🙂img_1113 But, it can all be cleaned up!

Have a great day, thanks for spending time with me!  Keep God in your plans. 

If you enjoy reading clean fiction, check out my books HERE

12 thoughts on “LIKE A PAINTING?

  1. Jenny Sturgill

    Beautiful painting! Also a very true comparison to our lives. Enjoyed it so much. Can’t wait to see the finished product. Happy Thanksgiving. 🙂


    1. Mary J Hicks Post author

      Thank you Jenny! I find myself making comparisons a lot these days. I’ll be posting the finished painting soon. I hope you and your husband have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 🙂



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