Why do you do it?


One of my favorite Escobedo paintings. This image was taken on my wall. Sorry for the reflections.

What motivates you to do that thing you do? Doesn’t matter whether it’s for a living or as a hobby. Think about this for a moment and be honest in your answer. Can you be that honest with yourself?

Are you motivated by personal satisfaction? Is it money? Or is it because it’s something you have to do? Were you pressed into an occupation from an early age and it stuck  for life?

If your answer is, ‘I don’t know why I do it. I’d ( paint/write /sing/garden/sew or shop for shoes ) if I never sold a thing or no one except me ever saw my work. I can’t not do it.”

Be happy if you answer this way—and keep on doing your thing. 🙂

When creatives of any genre gather together this question often comes up in the conversation. As I got older  I lost interest in why I do what I do, I continue doing it because I want to and I no longer wonder why, I don’t care why, as long as I’m allowed to do it. 🙂

Louis Escobedo, an artist friend reminded me of this the other day when I called to congratulate him on being awarded the $25,000 Gold Medal ‘Best of Show’ award in the recent 23rd National Juried Exhibition of The Oil Painters of America. This is the second time Louis has won this award. Our conversation went something like this:

“Louis, are you excited about winning?” (Do I know how to ask dumb questions?)

“Sure. It was nice. I’d thought I might win some new paint brushes.” ( Louis )

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂  ( Me )

“Mary, sure, it’s always nice to win awards, but I don’t paint thinking about winning awards. I paint because I love to paint. The awards are secondary. I would paint no matter what.”  ( Louis )

Louis went on to say that when you love what you are doing, you stay focused on the journey, and not on worrying about what the results may bring. All your energy is spent creating. I know Louis speaks from his heart. He’s always been that way. I think he must have been born squinting and studying values.

And Louis’ paintings reflect his energy, proving his love of the ‘thing’ he does.

Ask God’s blessings on that thing you love doing! 🙂



10 thoughts on “Why do you do it?

  1. Jenny Sturgill

    I understand completely! 🙂 Money and all the other things you mentioned are just bonuses for a creator. Loved the pix!


  2. Danielle Lenee Davis

    I write because I have stories to tell. Too many are dancing around in my head that I get dizzy with the activity in there. If I could supplement my income when I retire, that would be nice, too. 🙂


    1. countrythings Post author

      Dani, move to the head of the class—good answer! I believe as my friend, Louis does, if you do it for the love of it, success will come!

      What was that movie, “Build it, They’ll Come’. 🙂



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