Monthly Archives: January 2015

No new resolutions for 2015…

My sister, who is also my next door neighbor, held a New Year’s Eve party for our brothers and their wives. The food was good and the conversation was great, still, at about ten o’clock ( way before the ball drops ) my thoughts turned to my warm bed.  Being only a short distance from my back door, ( our back patios are thirty feet apart ) I cast wistful glances in that direction—fun party or not—my bed called.

You’d have to know how much fun my brothers and their wives can be to understand the difficulty of choosing between their company and the call of the deep rut that masquerades as my life. Only time and effort creates a rut as deep and comfy as the one I enjoy.

I smile when I hear people speak of being in a rut, as if it’s a bad thing—and I suppose for some it may be. Not here, I like it. 🙂

But, for this contented rut dweller, the year 2015 comes with exciting plans, too. I have several trips planned, my novel is just a breath away from being published—well, maybe more like a long sigh away. I look forward to spending time with family, and of course with my life long girl friends.


Jeanelle, Sandy, Katy, Marsha and me.

Have you ever watched a group of senior friends having fun doing group selfies? One afternoon we gathered to visit, share a pot of coffee and the great-grandkid photos on our iPhones. One thing led to another . . . before long we were all talking at the same time, playing like kids and having a great time 🙂

Simple pleasures. Who wouldn’t feel blessed—you know, does it get any better? 🙂

If I had words of wisdom for 2015, they would be to consider simplifying—in all things. Keep in mind what is really important. Thank God for all the good you enjoy—be grateful, never take for granted the blessings of today. Nothing in this world is guaranteed, or designed to last forever.

I wish for you a wonderful year ahead, and I wish for you many good friends, the kind you can be silly with, the kind that will be there, too, when life turns serious.

Happy New Year!

Keep God first in you plans—life is better when you put Him first. 

Take care,
